Keith Teboul: “My idea for the Glide was to create something easy, stable and fast to paddle, yet it was supposed to have a shining spark in its maneuverability. This board comes with solid rockers and full outlines, giving it a completely different level of stability and comfort, greatly enhanced by ISD™ (Integrated Stability Deck), which serves as an ergonomic stance platform. ISD™ works slightly against the convex deck dome, offering a more solid stance. The nose rocker has a lower entry for ease of paddling and a very constant glide, hence the name. The bottom transitions from single to double to vee for an agile and maneuverable board.
This is the Sup that my girlfriend and me grab and go to the south
side, throw our dog onboard and ride the fun waves.”
This board comes with a set of perfectly corresponding MFC fin models and sizes to complement its superior shape. LEARN MORE
This board comes with a genuine Quatro pad giving you cushion under your heels and perfect grip throughout. These pads are available for individual purchase. LEARN MORE
Changing the size of the side fins will loosen the board in waves, but it is the center fin which can truly transform the boards stability and performance. A large Center fin will make the board stable in flat water but harder to turn in waves, beginner paddlers will appreciate this in flat water or conditions where there maybe wind or chop but getting stuck into waves and trying to turn your brand new 11ft Sup can be challenging to say the least.
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I have the Glide 8'10 which I use mainly as a float and ride wave board when the wind is light and the waves are below head high. This board is just awesome for me as I weigh 120kg and allows me to go sailing when all the small guys are on their 100litre freestyle wave boards. It's also the most popular boarding the beach when it's light and onshore but there's still a wave to ride! Highly recommend these boards, thanks KT!
Boards are great!
I\'ve been riding different SUP boards since 3 years, mostly surfing, I\'m 85kg dry and 185cm tall. Waves are pretty are small in my area, 0.5-1.5m and very powerless. My previous boards were Fanatic Allwave 9\'2 and Hokua 9\'10 and 9\'5. I could never imagine I could ride such a short board in local conditions as Glide 8\'6 without sucrificing caching wave ability. I got it from local distributor for testing and was so stoked, that I never gave it back (shut up and take my money:)) My impression of Quatro as a brand, was it makes too pro gear for perfect conditions (big powefull waves). Glide changed my mind!
So how it rides? I call it MAGIC, so smooth and tons of FUN! It\'s not technical board, it\'s very easy to ride. Very low rocker makes it plain immedeately and it turns very smooth, without loosing speed when coming from turns. Acceleration is great, you could get wave even with 1-2 strokes on perfect timing! Great fun to ride board for many conditions, you can btw even nose ride it. I was affraiding to do late drops, because of low rocker, but there is something in this shape/volume distribution that allows to do late drops without nose diving. This is my first carbon board and 130L volume seems to be different on carbon boards, it\'s feels bit (+5L+10L) more compearing to other boards. Board construction is very durable and bomb proof.
I wish you could have 8\'4x31 Glide for my girlfriend, she tryed 8\'6x32, but it\'s too wide for her. Got Carve 8\'4 for testing, hopefully it will works on small powerless waves for 55kg;)
For me, the 8.8 is the perfect blend of flotation, stability, and shred factor. Turns "1-2 foot , poor to fair surf " into an epic day.
Thanks Quatro.