
Free Thruster.

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Free Thruster

Keith Teboul: “Your all-around bump & jump, swell slashing, wave-riding, freeriding blaster, the Power remains the go-to for maximum fun in the broadest variety of conditions. Continuing to feature the fastest tail rocker in the range, the Power Pro is the quickest board to get up and go in the Quatro lineup. A full Vee with double concave bottom compliment speed with comfort.

The Power is the most stable board of the Quatro range, with inboard and outboard stance positions for different conditions and skill levels. Don’t be mislead though, it’s a thoroughbred Quatro board, and carries over traits from it’s more radical siblings to lay turns and send spray flying when the waves do pick up.”

The new Quatro Windsurfing boards now come packed in recycled cardboard and paper tape only. No plastic bags. Keeping your planet, our planet, one step cleaner. We figured it’s a worthy trade off, as our love for windsurfing and the planet only grows.

Pro Carbon Monocoque Construction.

1 x PB Center / 2x MT Side

Available in 86, 94, 105, 115 liters.

Comes with the latest generation MFC footstraps.

Available in White.

Keith Teboul : « Votre planche polyvalente pour le bump & jump, le swell slashing, le wave-riding et le freeride, la Power reste la référence pour un maximum de plaisir dans la plus grande variété de conditions. La Power Pro présente toujours le rocker arrière le plus rapide de la gamme Quatro et demeure la planche la plus vive pour se lancer. Une carène en V tout le long de la planche avec un double concave complémentent la vitesse et le confort.

La Power est la planche la plus stable de la gamme Quatro, avec des positions de stance centrées ou excentrées selon les conditions et le niveau du rider. C’est une planche Quatro pure sang, elle reprend les caractéristiques de ses sœurs les plus radicales pour se coucher dans les virages et pour envoyer du spray quand la taille des vagues augmentent. »

Construction Monocoque Carbone Pro.

1 boîtier Power Box central / 2 x Mini Tuttle sur les côtés.

Disponible en 86, 94, 105, 115 litres.

Disponible en Blanc.




What the magazines say

Unbiased praise and criticism straight from the press.

  • Planchemag, France, 2023: Percutante dans les sauts, rapide et stable en Bump&Jump.
  • Wind Magazine, France, 2023: La plus stable des Quatro diffuse un bon potentiel de vitesse avec des sensations garanties en lignes droites bien qu’étant avant tout une grosse planche de vagues.


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Power SKU UPC Model
Greg, Uk  
Apr 07, 2024 

Hi I’ve got the power 95, I’m struggling with optimum mast foot position and was hoping to get some advice. I’m 6ft and weigh 95kg. I sail mostly with 5.3 and 4.7 on this board. It’s a great board and I’m in love with it

Response: Aloha Greg, thank you for your stoke on our gear. What sail sizes are you riding it with? I place the mast foot as far back as I can before getting off balance and sinking the tail too much when floating around. You want to be in balance and at the same time be as far back as possible so that you can access the tail in the more critical sections. Please let us know if you have any other questions. All the best winds! Francisco

Marius, Lithuania  
Oct 21, 2023 

I weigh around 85 kg and I've been using Quatro Power 105 as my light wind wave/bump and jump board for over a year in various conditions (from 5.7 barely planning to full power 4.2 weather).

This board turned out to be exactly what I was looking for - it planes and goes upwind like an FSW, but it turns on a wave like a proper wave board (really well for a board of this size). My wave-riding skills progressed so much because of it - I can easily position myself in the correct place on a wave and go back out after riding it in conditions where I would struggle and waste a lot of energy on a smaller waveboard. It is super forgiving and keeps speed on the bottom turns well, so it allows you to think about technique instead of fighting the board.

It also goes through chop so well, that even when conditions do pick up (say full power 4.7/4.2 weather) you still feel comfortable and in control - the board doesn't feel too big at all.

I haven't spent as much time on Goya One 105, but I did try it a few times in a rental, so I think I can compare them. I felt that Goya planes a bit earlier and it is easier to make a planning jibe with it (it keeps speed during jibes so well), but it felt stiffer than Quatro Power on a wave to me. Both are amazing boards. I would probably pick Goya for flat water/bump and jump without a breaking wave, but Quatro definitely takes the upper hand in proper waves.

Matt, USA  
Oct 12, 2023 

Hi quatro team, when is the next refresh of the power freewave boards?


Hi Matt,

Thanks for reaching out. Next spring/summer 2024 we will release our new line.

Please let me know if you have any other questions,


davide, Italy  
Mar 13, 2023 

Hi. I would like to substitute my Goya One 95 2014. Is the Power 94 a good alternative or a should go for 105? What about One 95? I am 702 kg and I use it on flat water at the lake (sails from 4.5 to 5.7) or at seaside with low wind. Thanks: Ciao!

Dario, Italy  
Jan 12, 2023 

Hi guys,
I am interest to buy another Goja Board to plan earlier with light wind in choppy condition.
In 2022 I have already bought a One 95 and a Quatro Power 115 and are fantastics.
I am an intermediate Windsurfer which board do you suggest?


Aloha Dario,

Thank you for reaching over and stoke on our boards.

Could you please tell me a bit more about you and your plans?

Would this new board be replacing one of your other ones?

What are the conditions that you are looking at using this new board with, and what size/model sails you will be pairing it with.

If you have some images please send them over too.

All the best!

Francisco Goya

Hinault, France  
Jan 02, 2023 

I want know how i can boost m’y power 86 in wave cause with power box fin ors difficult


Aloha Hinault,

Thank you for reaching over and for your trust in our gear.

I suggest positioning your back strap back, placing your mast track as far back as possible without losing the planning balance of your board, and down-hauling your sail to the recommended setting. All this would make your gear more maneuverable and snappier around the turns.

If the above is not enough, you can continue downsizing the center fin 1 or even 2cms if your weight is under 75kg.

Please let me know if you have any other questions or if there is anything that we can help you with.

Happy New Year!



Jan, UK  
Nov 11, 2022 

Hiya. Had my new board for a few months now and wanted to say a huge thanks! It\'s made my gybes go from 50/50 to near 100% success, the board just loves to be thrown into the gybe yet I can adjust the arc without any hassle. I sail South Coast UK, so it\'s mainly onshore & side shore with treacherous shore break (think Kitmoller!). As soon as I see waves I grab the Power Pro. Love it!
All the best,


5.0 5.0 7 7 Hi I’ve got the power 95, I’m struggling with optimum mast foot position and was hoping to get some advice. I’m 6ft and weigh 95kg. I sail mostly with 5.3 and 4.7 on this boa Power

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